SEO Statistics for YouTube in 2020
If you’ve been putting off investing in video marketing as part of your overall digital marketing strategy, it’s time to get serious about it. In this post, we’ll look at various statistics about video marketing and YouTube to demonstrate why you cannot ignore video marketing if you want to be successful online today. YouTube, first established in 2005, and purchased by Google in 2006, is the second most trafficked website in the world. It has more than 1.9 billion logged-in monthly users, and on mobile alone reaches more 18-49-year-olds than broadcast or cable TV.
The Majority of Google Universal Searches Include Video
Google Universal Search is a method Google uses to blend matches from its specialty search engines, like image or video search, into webpage results. To maximize universal search potential, you should have video content and host it on YouTube. A study from Searchmetrics reveals 62% of Google universal searches include Video, and 8 of 10 of the video results come from YouTube rather than other video platforms.

It’s Impossible to Know the Total Number of Videos on YouTube
Because 400 hours of Video are uploaded to YouTube every minute – many of which violate YouTube guidelines and are deleted – it’s impossible to determine exactly how many videos are hosted on the platform. Over one billion hours of video are watched on YouTube daily. That means people are on the page to watch YouTube more than TV.
Video Search Results Have a Higher Click-through Rate
Beyond Video helping sites rank, the Video also allows people to click on results and go to your website. Compared to click-through rates on plain text-based content, video click-through is 41% higher, so you’re getting more traffic to your website, increased brand awareness, and a better return on investment in your content creation efforts.
Video is 50x More Likely to Get Organic Ranking than Plain Text Results.
A study from Forrester Research reveals Video is 50 times more likely to achieve organic page ranks in Google than plain text results. Part of this is because there is less competition between Videos than plain text, so it’s easier to rank well with Video. On average, video content had an 11,000 to 1 chance of making it to the first page on Google, which doesn’t sound that impressive. But, compared to the 500,000 to 1 odds of the same for text-based content, it becomes much more attractive.
If Your Site Has Video – People Stay Longer
The video goes beyond the obvious benefit of attracting people to your site – it also keeps them there. Search engines pay attention to how long people stay on your website – assuming that if they leave too quickly, they didn’t find what they were looking for. When you have a video on your site, ComScore data shows people stay on an average of two minutes longer, and Google likes this because it shows that not only is your content quality – it is engaging.
Double Search Traffic with Video Thumbnails in Your Search Results
If a video appears in a search, Google adds its thumbnail and presents it next to the link in the search results. This draws the eye of the users and increases the chance they will click it. However, this method directs them to YouTube, not your website. Yes, they’ll see your content, but you want the SEO value of the Video passed to your site. Data shows adding the thumbnail can double your search traffic.
You’ll have to do more than embed the Video on your website – you’ll also want to add video metadata and create a video sitemap so that Google can associate the Video with your corresponding page.
Posts with Video Attract 3x More Inbound Links.
According to Moz, posts with videos included will attract nearly three times more inbound linking domains than dull text posts. And posts with all three media types – videos, images, and lists – attract almost six times more inbound linking domains than plain text content.
YouTube is a Great Way to Reach a Global Audience
Only 15.8% of YouTube users are from the United States. Most visitors come from the U.S., India, Japan, Russia, and China. YouTube is available in more than 91 countries and 80 languages. If you’ve got an international audience, you need to leverage YouTube.
If you want help with your video marketing or video SEO, contact us here at SEO Inc. We’ll help you develop the strategy you need to dominate your competition.