Achieve the Highest ROI
For Your Pay Per Click PPC Campaign
Are you aware of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising but unsure how it can directly benefit your business? At SEO Inc., we deliver comprehensive PPC Management Services that cover everything from strategic ad creation to precise bidding methodologies. These services help you drive targeted traffic and boost your return on investment (ROI).
Why PPC Advertising Matters
The Complexity of PPC Strategies and Implementation.
While Google AdWords offers significant opportunities for rapid growth, it can become costly if not managed correctly. Ads may fail to generate meaningful leads or conversions without proper setup, resulting in unnecessary exThat’sure. That’s why we strongly recommend partnering with a trusted team for PPC Management Services—often more cost-effective when integrated with SEO. You capitalize on immediate visibility and long-term brand authority by combining paid and organic strategies.
Our PPC Management Approach
Partner with a Google Premier Partner
When searching for the best PPC Management Services, look for the Google Premier Partner Badge. This designation confirms that the agency meets rigorous standards for expertise and performance, guaranteeing you receive the highest level of service and results.
If you need immediate assistance with PPC Management, our dedicated team at SEO Inc. is ready to help get your ads on track and drive substantial revenue growth. Contact us today to learn more about how our PPC and SEO services work together to elevate your online presence.
Ready to Collaborate with us on PPC? Talk to an SEO Inc Expert Analyst today for your free quote!
Pay-per-click advertising, also known as PPC, paid search, or SEM, is a way for advertisers to purchase digital ad space online. There are many PPC platforms that you can use, but the largest by far is Google AdWords, although Bing Ads and Facebook Ads are also highly recommended. We’ll be using Google AdWords in this article to discuss PPC basics since most PPC platforms are very similar. You’ve likely seen these ads yourself when performing a Google search:
Pay-per-click advertising offers many advantages as a marketing tool that other channels cannot.
PPC Is Highly Targeted: PPC helps your target market find you instead of trying to find them. Your advertising is visible 24 hours/a day, every day of the year, to an international audience. That means your website can reach people in areas traditional marketing cannot.
PPC Delivers Immediate Visibility: Unlike SEO, PPC delivers immediate results, potentially generating Page 1 rankings in Google when you turn on the ads. Getting listed by popular search engines also increases your brand credibility. Consumers expect big brands to be placed prominently on Google, so what’s the effect if you aren’t on the first page?
PPC Offers Complete Control: With AdWords and other pay-per-click management platforms, you can control targeting methods, ad scheduling, bid prices, daily budgets, and more. Of course, more control means added complexity, which means that you can optimize at a very granular level, but mistakes in account management can also financially impact you. That’s why we recommend businesses hire a Professional PPC Management firm, preferably one that Google has vetted through their Premier Partner program.
PPC Tracks Your Data: Google Paid Search (Google Ads) is a very data-driven marketing channel, so you can always see essential details on the number of ad views, clicks, spending, leads, etc. You can’t get this level of detail from print, radio, or television advertising. In addition, PPC advertising can be significantly cheaper than most other forms of advertising.
If you’re still not convinced of the benefits of pay-per-click, consider this: Your competitors are most likely using Paid Search to take a share of the market you could target. Without PPC, your competitors would have a considerable advantage over your competitors until you start your PPC ads. On the other hand, if your competitors are not on Google Ads, you have a fantastic opportunity to take this advantage over your competitors, reaching a market they haven’t even considered!
One of the best benefits of using pay-per-click advertising is the ability to track data and analytics. PPC return on investment is more accurate and accessible to track than most other advertising mediums. For any given date range, you can see:
Pay-per-click advertising shows how effective your ads are, down to each click. For sites focused on lead generation, you can optimize your ad campaigns to reach a specific cost per lead. If you run an e-commerce website, you can see how much revenue is generated. Other ways of tracking conversions include:
When implementing and tracking conversions, it’s vital to set account goals that are profitable and realistic. For example, remember your margins if you’re an e-commerce business as you read your Return On Ad Spend (ROAS) report. Sometimes, it can appear like you’re making money, but knowing that you still haven’t factored in all the costs will be challenging. While PPC advertising can be valuable, it’s not a miracle cure-all. Like your other marketing channels, PPC must be managed carefully to reach its full potential.
With the proper knowledge and tools, Google Ads advertising can be one of your biggest profit centers. Many businesses today use Pay Per Click, especially on Google Ads PPC, as their primary revenue stream, or even sometimes only. However, PPC can get expensive quickly if there’s account mismanagement.
In addition, pay-per-click advertising cannot be built on a “set it and forget it” mentality. Even if you create your Paid search campaigns and Ad groups well but then leave them running with no changes, you’ll eventually find that your profitability will shrink over time.
There are several reasons for this:
Google began using Expanded Text Ads and Responsive Ads.
Another account element that we often find mismanaged is click fraud and unqualified clicks. One of the quickest and easiest ways to lose significance on PPC is through click fraud and unqualified clicks, which refer to clicks from search terms irrelevant to your business.
For example, let’s say that your company sells eyeglasses. Since eyeglasses are commonly called glasses, you bid on the keyword “glasses.” Suddenly, you find your daily budget running out every day before noon, and you can’t figure out why! Furthermore, if you look closely at the search queries that brought users to your ads, you might find them searched for a lot of unrelated terms – “sunglasses,” “wine glasses,” “the glasses” (an episode of Seinfeld), and the list goes on.
You’ll have to make sure that you either target your glasses keywords more carefully or exclude many search queries from triggering your ad (a combination of both is often necessary). As you can see, you can manage your pay-per-click campaigns, but many complex elements of paid search can punish you if not done correctly. With all of these complexities of account management, you might be wondering where to go from here.
What are you waiting for if you don’t have an AdWords account? If it’s not already clear from this article how effective pay-per-click advertising will be for your business, look at our PPC case studies and see how SEO Inc. has built profit engines for many of our clients through paid search.
When you’re building (or even just optimizing) your PPC campaigns, you have two options:
If you have any questions, we’re happy to help you out. Just call us, and we’ll help ensure your pay-per-click advertising is profitable and no longer a headache!
SEO Inc is an internet marketing company aiming to help businesses improve their online presence in search and social media to acquire new customers and build their brand online.
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