The 3 Things You Need to Make Effective Dynamic Search Ads

Are you sick of keywords? Dynamic Search Ads could be for you.

When done right by an SEO company specializing in PPC, dynamic search ads can save you hours and generate huge ROI for your site. But if done wrong, you could be looking at a great big waste of money.

Here’s what you need to make dynamic search ads work for your SEO strategy—that won’t have your bottom line bleeding red.

Who are Dynamic Search Ads For?

Taking the traditional route of PPC landing page optimization is still a viable option for you. But if you don’t have the time, dynamic search ads can make things easier for you.

Before you pull the trigger on dynamic search ads, you need to know if you have the right type of business. Google says dynamic search ads work best for these kinds of sites:

  • “Your website features an assortment of different products or services, and some of your items are changing over time.
  • “You sell seasonal product lines or other offerings, or you’re expanding your business to new markets.

Does that sound like you? The bolded words (our emphasis) should tell you all you need to know. Products and services always in flux can be a major pain with the traditional route of researching keywords and making ads.

For example, say you own an online clothing store. You sell swimsuits and light tees in the summer and scarves and wool socks during the winter. And your stock changes all the time depending on the latest fashions and trends. You could use dynamic search ads to help you advertise products without putting in the hours and hours of work it takes to do so manually.

Does this sound like you? Okay, then. All you need now are three things:

With dynamic search ads, Google generates ads based on content you've already written.

1. Site Content

To use dynamic search ads, the one thing you need more than anything else is good content. That’s because your content is what determines which ads get shown to which users.

It works like this: Google scans your site. Then your site gets slotted into relevant categories based on its content. For example, if you sell clothes, you’ll get sorted into the “clothing” category. Google will then show dynamic ads to users who do searches related to your content.

It’s simple: No content, no ads. If your site doesn’t have content—and it should—don’t even bother with dynamic search ads.

For your clothing store, you want to make sure your product pages have relevant content for Google to pull from. And Google will then generate the ad with a headline and landing page link.

Automated ad generation—sounds pretty good. It gets better.

Google automatically updates your ads as well. Whenever you make changes to pages Google has indexed, Google will automatically detect and reflect your ads’ changes. Neat!

That’s why dynamic search ads are so powerful for eCommerce sites with changing or seasonal products. They are, however, less effective for rapidly changing products (think Amazon’s Deal of the Day). After all, Google can only crawl so quickly.

Following us so far? Dynamic search ads are helpful for the right websites. But you’ve still got some refining to do. Now introducing the second thing you need…

Negative keywords can refine your dynamic search ads to make your dynamic search ad strategy more effective.

2. Negative Keywords

Dynamic search ads save you from a lot of heavy lifting. But don’t think for a second that they’ll do all your work for you. You have to work on different things.

Using negative keywords is key to your dynamic search ad strategy. These can help Google filter out the ads that aren’t making you any money.

Let’s go back to our clothing store example. Say you’ve started using dynamic search ads, and you see some positive performance. But some of the ads aren’t pulling their weight. Users are clicking on them, but they aren’t converting. These ads are dead weight in your campaign.

The solution is simple: Use negative keywords to avoid sending users an ad from your site they wouldn’t click on in the first place.

Negative keywords can pare down how much you’re shelling out. This will create more relevant ads for a more impressionable range of users.

Note: Synonyms for your negative keywords may still show up in ads. So you have to pay attention to what Google is generating. This brings us to our third and final thing you need for effective dynamic search ads…

Dynamic search ads take a lot of work, but they can greatly increase your ROI.

3. A Good Work Ethic

Like we said—you still have to pay attention when using dynamic search ads. You can’t fire and forget. It’s entirely possible that Google could generate ads that don’t perform the way you want (see above).

That’s where you come in.

The way you use dynamic search ads is a lot like search engine optimization. Both need constant attention and care to maximize their potential. As a result, your ROI increases. This is why you can’t afford to let underperforming ads slip through the cracks. It would be best if you kept your ads working at their best to bring in the dough.

To show an example from your clothing store: Your line of homespun scarves has really started flying off the shelves. So fast that you’ll have to wait a couple of months to restock, but those ads are still generating traffic. And they’re sending users to those ads without the ability to buy them. Users will be frustrated because they can’t buy what’s shown to them, and you’ll be frustrated because they aren’t buying anything from your store.

The solution? Take the ads down. If the products aren’t in stock, don’t advertise them.

So no—you can’t just turn your dynamic ads on and watch the funds flow in. Remember: Dynamic search ads don’t save you from having to do work. In some cases, dynamic search ads may take even more work than usual. But that’s the price you pay for the initial convenience.

Ads for a More Dynamic (and Demanding) Internet

SEO, and search at large, has changed a lot over the years. Users are changing the way they search for things every day.

SEO services are changing too. Google gets millions and millions of unique searches a day, and services like dynamic search ads offer eCommerce sites a way to stay ahead and save time and money.

Dynamic search ads can be great for the right eCommerce business. They can save you from the seemingly endless overflow keywords, landing pages, and ads. Dynamic search ads aren’t for everyone, but you’ll find them a powerful tool if they’re a good fit.

They don’t have to be an either-or tool. You can use them with your existing keywords to cover the broadest range possible. All you need is a solid PPC strategy.

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